At the Edge by Elizabeth Bonner Zimmerman

Two-block linoleum print on mulberry paper, chine collé stamped calligraphic writing background, printed leaves with applied hand-painting

Image size: 6.5” x 6.5”

At the Edge

Beatrice Warde, the writer of the passage we are thinking about, was a woman working in the printing world at a time when women were barred from the craft of printing itself. She kept pushing limits by working as an editor and in ways that gave her entrée into a field that fascinated her and allowed her to influence change.

I have used that concept of pushing limits, of being at the edge of change, as my inspiration.

Thinking about ways to say that we can go our own way and follow our interests were my goal in the process. The image that evolved shows a plant spilling out of its frame with just two buds opening.



David Witbeck